Thursday 7 May 2015

Illicit financial flows affecting Malawi economy- MEJN

 The Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN) has disclosed that illicit financial flows are affecting they growth of the country's economy.

MEJN Executive Director Dalitso Kubalasa made the remarks in Lilongwe on Tuesday during the 2nd Meeting of the African Parliamentarian on illicit financial flows and tax (APNIFFT) which was aimed at strategizing and brainstorming and recruiting the new Members of Parliament (MPs) on the APNIFFT.

Cholera claims 3 lives, 281 now affected in Chikwawa

 Malawi News Agency (MANA) has reported that outbreak continues to wreck havoc in Chikwawa district with reports from the district's health office indicating that the number of cases has increased to 281 from 239 the previous week. Three lives have so far been lost. 

Initially, the outbreak affected people from areas of Ngabu, Lundu, Ngowe, Kasisi and Chapananga. But fresh reports indicate it has also hit areas of Chiefs Katunga and Makhuwira. 

Namisa donates K500 000 seeds to Rumphi disaster victims courtesy of Peacock Seeds

National Media Institute of Southern Africa (Namisa) Malawi Chapter
over the weekend donated K500 000 worth seeds to families affected  by disasters in Rumphi as one way of celebrating the World Press Freedom Day.

The seeds, donated by Peacock Seed will benefit the people in the
areas of Chikulamayembe and Mzokoto which affected by disasters during
the last rainy seasons.

Friday 3 April 2015

Chubuku Products feeds Mangochi flood victims

Chibuku Products Limited (CPL), one of the country’s leading brewer of
opaque beer and Mahewu super shake on Wednesday donated over 350
cartons of Mahewu super shake to Mangochi District to help people
affected by floods in the district, according to Ayamba Kandodo.

Speaking when making the donation, the company’s Corporate Affairs
Manager, Wise Chauluka said they made the donation after seeing the
plight of flood victims in the district.

Mangochi chiefs declare war against child marriages

Traditional Authorities (T/As) Mponda and Nankumba in Mangochi
together with their Group Village Headmen (GVHs) have said they will
remain united in the fight against child marriages to ensure that the
girl child is educated.

Ayamba Kandodo reports that the chiefs made the pledge on Wednesday in Mangochi after a two-day long training workshop organized by the Centre for Human Rights and
Rehabilitation (CHRR) where they discussed the effects of child

Court rules against confiscating Soko's Wymbaso Company

Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa has throughout state's application to enable it sell cashgate convict's Wyson Soko's Wymbaso Genera Suppliers.

The state hired prosecutor Kamdoni Nyasulu applied to the court to confiscate the company to recover K40 million which Soko was convicted for.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

State withdraws the confiscation application of Sithole's property

The state on Monday applied to withdraw part of the convicted Victor
Sithole's property.

Prosecutor Kamdoni Nyasulu told Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate
Patrick Chirwa that Sithole's Whispers Bar and Area 25 house because
they are not part of the tantaid property.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

State wants Mphwiyo shooting suspects bail be revoked

The State through Director of Public Prosecution Mary Kachale on
Wednesday applied to court to revoke bail for lawyer Ralph
Kasambara, Pika Manondo, Dauka Manondo and others answering to
attempted murder charges on former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo.

The application was made through affidavits sworn by state prosecutor
Ecock Chihana and Senior Supritentant Kampara Chilinda who were asked
to meet two state witnesses who alleged there was a mafia clandestine
activities paint down to inflict interference and intimidation on
state witnesses.

Friday 13 March 2015


The misunderstanding that has arisen between communities from Traditional
Authority (T/A) Mponda in Mangochi and the District’s Town Council
over the council’s alleged mismanagement of funds meant for the
construction of a classroom block and toilets at Mpondasi Primary
School in the area has compelled  Catholic Commission for Justice and
Peace (CCJP) to  intervene, Ayamba Kandodo reports.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Falling tree kills woman

A 36 year old woman died in Mchinji district on Tuesday morning when a tree fell over her when she was fetching firewood at a forest near the boma, Police have confirmed to Malawi News Agency.

Friday 30 January 2015

Contract farming can boost legume production

By Malawi News Agency 
Legume crops in Malawi are especially important not only for their potential to soil fertility, but also in overcoming nutritional deficiencies.

Research has shown that Malawi, being the second largest producer of pigeon peas in the southern and eastern Africa after Kenya, can also earn more forex through legume export such as pigeon peas, as their prices are very competitive on the international market compared to other crops.

Sipe launches modeling agency

Not only once, not twice,  but thrice did Sipe go for auditions but was not successful yet she never gave up until the fourth time when she was picked to represent Malawi in Big Brother Africa Hotshots 2014.
“I am not a person who gives up, it just has to happen. If I wasn’t successful last year I would have tried again this year,” she told Malawi News Agency

Thursday 29 January 2015

Prostitute (Part II)

Every month is October
Forget May, July
January and February
They are all as hot as anything that goes beyond October

Global Plastic Production Rises, Recycling Lags

For more than 50 years, global production of plastic has continued to rise. Some 299 million tons of plastics were produced in 2013, representing a 4 percent increase over 2012. Recovery and recycling, however, remain insufficient, and millions of tons of plastics end up in landfills and oceans each year, writes Gaelle Gourmelon, Communications and Marketing Manager at the Worldwatch Institute, in the Institute's latest Vital Signs Online article.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Mphwiyo case adjourned to Feb 17: Mwakhwawa quizzes him on his JB relationship Judge

Lilongwe High Court Judge Justice Michael Mtambo on Wednesday
adjourned a case which lawyer Ralph Kasambara, Pika Manondo, Robert
Kadzuwa and Macdonald Kumwembe are charged with attempted murder case
and conspiracy to commit murder on former Ministry of Finance Budget
Director Paul Mphwiyo to February 17.

Lutepo suffering from anxiety disorder: Judge orders expert examination

Lawyer representing Osward Lutepo in a case which he is answering
charges of attempted murder, Osward Mtupila omit Wednesday told the
Lilongwe High court that his client is currently suffering from
'anxiety disorder' and is not ready to stand trial.

Mphwiyo back in dock as Judge wants case concluded by May

Former Ministry of Finance Paul Mphwiyo on Wednesday returned to the
dock at Lilongwe High Court in a case which lawyer Ralph Kasambara,
Pika Manondo, Robert Kadzuwa and Macdonald Kumwembe are charged with
attempted murder case and conspiracy to commit murder.

Cashgate: Former MCP official sentenced to seven years

Lilongwe Magistrate Court has sentenced Malawi Congress Party (MCP)former deputy director of youth Wyson Zinyemba Soko to seven yearsimprison.