Thursday 7 May 2015

Cholera claims 3 lives, 281 now affected in Chikwawa

 Malawi News Agency (MANA) has reported that outbreak continues to wreck havoc in Chikwawa district with reports from the district's health office indicating that the number of cases has increased to 281 from 239 the previous week. Three lives have so far been lost. 

Initially, the outbreak affected people from areas of Ngabu, Lundu, Ngowe, Kasisi and Chapananga. But fresh reports indicate it has also hit areas of Chiefs Katunga and Makhuwira. 

According to the District Environmental Health Officer Thomson Kajombo, there is need for speedy interventions to contain the coutbreak.

“We have received and treated six new cases from Chipwaila, Makhuwira and Gumbwa under chief Kasisi. We are intending to do door to door sensitization activities in order to urgently stop the further spreading of the cholera outbreak,” he said.

Other organizations like Medicines sans frontiers, UNICEF and World Health Organizations are also supporting health authorities to contain the outbreak.

Meanwhile, Medicines Sans Frontiers has constructed an additional cholera treatment unit at the district hospital to speed up the treatment process.

Recently, Nongovernmental organizations asked health authorities to establish stringent measures to ensure that the outbreak does not hit camps of flood survivors.

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