Thursday 7 May 2015

Namisa donates K500 000 seeds to Rumphi disaster victims courtesy of Peacock Seeds

National Media Institute of Southern Africa (Namisa) Malawi Chapter
over the weekend donated K500 000 worth seeds to families affected  by disasters in Rumphi as one way of celebrating the World Press Freedom Day.

The seeds, donated by Peacock Seed will benefit the people in the
areas of Chikulamayembe and Mzokoto which affected by disasters during
the last rainy seasons.

The CAP9001 seeds that were donated has longer perseverance to water
stress and even does better under irrigation with the potential of up
to 14 tonnes per hectare.

Peacock Seed Production Manager Innocent Jumbe
 they took advantage of the 3rd May commemorations and donate to
people who were affected by disasters during the rainy season.

The donation also comes after Namisa also donated some assorted items
to Rumphi District Hospital on Friday.

MISA Malawi Chapter Chair Thom Khanje hailed Peacock seed for the donation.

"We are happy that we managed to reach out to many people during our
charity activities and with the seed it is our hope that those that
benefited will have something to eat very soon," he said.

Journalists in the country have joined their fellow Journalists in the
world in commemorating World Press Freedom Day which falls on 3rd May.

The commemorations took place in Mzuzu.

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