Wednesday 28 January 2015

Lutepo suffering from anxiety disorder: Judge orders expert examination

Lawyer representing Osward Lutepo in a case which he is answering
charges of attempted murder, Osward Mtupila omit Wednesday told the
Lilongwe High court that his client is currently suffering from
'anxiety disorder' and is not ready to stand trial.

Last year, the court granted the prosecution permission to add
businessman Lutepo to the shooting case.

As the hearing resumed in the morning after a long break marred with
judiciary strike, Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mary Kachale
sought for an adjournment after realising that the fifth accused
person  Lutepo was not in the court, a notion which Justice Michael
Ntambo denied.

In the afternoon, Mtupila brought a medical report from MASM which
shows that due to the condition, Lutepo is suffering from urinary and
bowel incontinence.

However, Ntambo has ordered the state to find a psychiatric expert to
examine Lutepo if he is normal.

He also ordered that if he is to be found of sound mind, he should
take plea on February 17.

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