Wednesday 26 November 2014

FND slams ACB, government on selective justice, demands progress on K92 cashgate progress

Forum for National Development (FND) has slammed the Anti-Corruption
Bureau (ACB) and government for what it termed as selective justice in
prosecuting people who are allegedly involved in cashgate.

In a statement signed by Chairperson Bright Kampaundi and National
Coordinator Fryson Chodzi, the organization said it has noted that its
easier to prosecute people from other political parties than those
aligned to the ruling party.

"We want to see a situation where ACB and the law enforcement agents
act efficiently on the K92 billion and also conclude other high
profile cases of corruption which they started.

"FND said it has noted that other high profile cases like the K1.7
billion cases has been halted since the people targeted are working
closely with the current government," reads part of the statement
without direct reference to former president Dr Bakili Muluzi who is
answering to charges of corruption amounting to K1.7 billion and has
his son Atupele serving as minister in the current Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP) regime.

 On the K92 billion forensic audit, FND noted that weeks are passing
since the German government provided funding for a forensic audit
starting from 2005-2012 and yet there is no outlined progress and the
roadmap to ensuring that the audit is done.

"We want to know when the audit is expected to start and complete,
what are the terms of reference for a new audit and what commitment
government has put in place to follow through the K92 billion audit.

" Just as government is eager and quick to make arrests of those
aligned to the Baker Tilly Forensic Audit report, they should also
show the same seal and enthusiasm to conduct an audit from 2005 to
2012 without impeding on the work of the auditors so that the culprits
must also face the law.

"We do not want to assume that the current silence and failure to
communicate on the matter as an indicator that the government is not
interested to pursue this course as it was done under the current
ruling party when late president Bingu wa Mutharika was CEO of
Malawi," reads part of the statement.

FND said the current administration should no longer trivialize the
K92b as a mere audit query because resources have been now provided by
the German Government to institute forensic audit emphasizing the
magnitude of the 2011 National Audit Office revelation of the plunder
and the theft of national recourse.

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