Wednesday 26 November 2014

DPP's six months in office unproductive - MCP

The main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has
described the six months of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
leadership as unproductive with little intervention on issues of
national importance.

Briefing the press Wednesday at the party's headquarters in Lilongwe,
MCP president Dr Lazarus Chakwela said they are disturbed with
increased cost of living, lack of financial prudence and delay in
implementing FISP program as some programs which government is failing
to successfully implement.

"We note with great concern that the cost of living is ever increasing
and now negatively impacting on the poor and the underprivilaged as
prices of basic commodities such as suger, fuel and many more are
increasing on a daily basis yet the sources of income for the majority
have remained static.

"While the cabinet has been maintained at 20 this far, the appointment
of the army of presidential advisors and members into parastatal
boards is surely one way of draining government resources and these
appointments are mere political appeasements that do not have an
immediate return to the country's economic vision," said Chakwera
adding that to make things worse, governments response to these issues
has been lukewarm and favouring rich and those with political power.

Among other things, the party called upon government to revise
downwards the bank interest rates in order to cushion small-medium
enterprises, offer reasonable pay hike to junior staff members in all
government departments and quickly resolve the industrial strikes
currently taking place.

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