Wednesday 26 November 2014

Don't intimidate those commenting on federalism-Chakwera

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Dr Lazarus Chakwela has called
for inclusive and issue based discussions on federalism other than
intimidating those of opposing views.

Commenting for the first time on the issue, Chakwera said although MCP
has no stand on federal system of government, its members are free to
discuss it.

"First of all, we have to think why some sectors are coming up with
this issue. We have a lot of powers vested into the leadership,
development to reach at the grassroots has been a problem too.

"Politicizing of national development, nepotisim and partisan
leadership are the order of the day. A lot of people are becoming
poorer day by day while a few are getting richer.

"Development should benefit everyone regardless of regions, tribe and
political affiliation. People may be called names but at the end of
the day, we have to find a solution to every problem.

"This country and Malawians deserve better and a better Malawi is
possible with oneness when it comes to public debate on issues of
national importance," said Chakwera.

He said the party is currently listening to people's views before it
make its stand.

"We are listening and possibly we will come up with a position as to
what can be of benefit to all Malawians," he said.

The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has organised a public debate this
weekend in Blantyre where different stakeholders including political
parties will take part.

Chakwera the party's stand will probably be known at that forum

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