Wednesday 26 November 2014

Don't intimidate those commenting on federalism-Chakwera

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Dr Lazarus Chakwela has called
for inclusive and issue based discussions on federalism other than
intimidating those of opposing views.

Commenting for the first time on the issue, Chakwera said although MCP
has no stand on federal system of government, its members are free to
discuss it.

Star FM brings family poetry festival to Lilongwe

One of Malawi's private radio stations Star FM has lined up a Family Poetry Festival dubbed 'Chiphwando cha Ndatakatulo' at Summit Cultural Center in Lilongwe on November 30.

With Bicco International and Super Sapuwa as main sponsors, the festival, according to Star FM's Marketing Manager Brian Chamgomo is aimed at giving an early Christmas to the radio's listeners.

FND slams ACB, government on selective justice, demands progress on K92 cashgate progress

Forum for National Development (FND) has slammed the Anti-Corruption
Bureau (ACB) and government for what it termed as selective justice in
prosecuting people who are allegedly involved in cashgate.

In a statement signed by Chairperson Bright Kampaundi and National
Coordinator Fryson Chodzi, the organization said it has noted that its
easier to prosecute people from other political parties than those
aligned to the ruling party.

DPP's six months in office unproductive - MCP

The main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has
described the six months of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
leadership as unproductive with little intervention on issues of
national importance.

Briefing the press Wednesday at the party's headquarters in Lilongwe,
MCP president Dr Lazarus Chakwela said they are disturbed with
increased cost of living, lack of financial prudence and delay in
implementing FISP program as some programs which government is failing
to successfully implement.