Friday 4 October 2013

Malawi cities sweeping activity, why the MDF was involve

In the night of October 3, resident in Lilongwe and Mzuzu Cities, particulary those who work, trade and or relax in various leisure centers had sudden confrontation by the joint exercise by the Malawi Police and the Malawi Defence Force.

 They turned every cornner, stone and soil to find those to be against the order of the city.   By the following day afternoon, over 800 people wer arrested, and some being paradded before the magistrates for being suspected of being found with various goods illegaly and found loitering in the city for no apparent reason at all among others.

    Rightly put, Lilongwe Deputy Police Spokesperson Kingsley Dandaula said the exercise is not a day long one, but it will take as long as they wish.   "We can not tell you how long this exercise will take because its the same as telling thieves that we will keep on watching on you for such a period," he said.  

 This is not the first time the Malawi Pollice have conducted such an exercise, but the most exiting thing is why involving the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) on and internal issue involving a rather a suspecting ploy of hunting down some vagabonds.

 Chapter XXI of the constitution, Section 160 (1a) stipulates that the MDF shall uphold the sovereighty and territorial integrity of the Republic and guard against threats to the safety of its citizens by force of arms.  

 Now, this activity seem to fall short of attracting our respected millitary men in greens, who are probably missed out on a peace keeping mission somewhere.  

 "This is a normal exercise which we jointly hold, nothing else," said Dandaula while rushing to board a waiting patrol police car.  

But looking closer at issues in this beloved country, many a people have come to terms that since the 2012 July 20 demonstrations, the police have lost their salt.  

What with school children in the major cities, clad in their blue uniformes and exercise books with a party logo on it challenging a police officer armed to teeth?   And the recent fights between market and street vendors who were fighting in Lilongwe before the same law enforcers.

 This left our men in Khaki less powerful and wanting more power and respect they were enjoying before the July 20 demonstrationd. And now, when they were told by te powers that may be to crack down aimless people in our city streets, they thought these people will fight back and things will turn worse.   They had only one turn to look at, the MDF.    

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