Wednesday 5 June 2013

Successful 2020 Climate Deal depends on developed country leadership before 2020- LMDC

The Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) on climate change group today reminded developed countries at the opening of the climate talks that the key to having a successful climate agreement after 2020 is for developed countries to show leadership and ambition before 2020.

The current climate talks have two work streams.  The first work stream is tasked to negotiate a post 2020 climate agreement.  The second work stream is tasked to talk about increasing developed country ambition before 2020.

In its opening statement read by Nagmeldin G. Elhassan, head of the Sudanese delegation, the LMDC stressed that developed countries should take the lead immediately by increasing their 2020 greenhouse gas reduction targets, ratify the second round of commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, increase levels and certainty of financial support for developing countries through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and increase ease of access to climate technologies for developing countries. 

"Urgent action is needed now to address the climate change crisis and to protect the integrity of Mother Earth under the Convention. Our developing countries of theLMDC are well aware of the urgency and, in our own national contexts, are doing a large number of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions to implement the Convention." Nagmeldin G. Elhassan, head of the Sudanese delegation, said on behalf of the LMDC in the climate talks opening plenary.

 "We would like to remind developed countries that leadership is about taking responsibility and not making excuses or conditions.  Had developed countries shown leadership consistent with their historical responsibility in the past, the negotiations to a future agreement won't be this difficult."  Elhassan added.

"The EU, for instance, is a good example of a developed country that has the potential to lead.  It is, however, difficult for us to understand why the EU does not increase its 2020 emissions reductions plan when they've now achieved their 2020 target.  In fact, it only makes more sense for them to make their greenhouse gas emissions target more ambitious.  This would help build trust and goodwill in the talks,[1]" added Ramiro Ramirez, Venezuela head of delegation.  

"This would also differentiate the EU from other developed countries that consistently refused that step towards more ambitious climate action." Ramirez added.

"Despite development and poverty alleviation challenges, developing countries are already doing more than their fair share on climate action. The only missing ingredient for the world to avoid irreversible climate disaster is leadership from developed countries.  However, it's not too late for developed country leadership.  If they do this, then the world would be well on its way to solving the climate change problem." Elhassan concluded.

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