Wednesday 5 June 2013

CAMA should wake up and take action against defiance companies -Kunkuyu

The Malawi government has called on the Malawi Government expects the Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA) to wake up, condemn and indeed take action against companies that are still defiant to the government’s call.

In a statement released by the Information Minister Moses Kumkuyu, government said following the appreciation of the Kwacha, companies could have been reducing prices of goods and services but instead some are defiant.

“It would be naïve for the able leadership of CAMA to remain silent now when it vehemently blamed government for the resultant negative effects of the depreciation of the kwacha.  We do not think CAMA’s establishment and operations are to fight government on behalf of the consumers only.

“Rather, CAMA should be up in arms all the times against any institutions and individuals that make the life of a consumer miserable. This administration therefore eagerly awaits the respectable consumer rights body to fight for the rights of the consumers in ensuring that minibus fares and prices of other essential commodities go down as a result of successful policies by this administration,” the statement reads

Menwhile, the government  has strongly condemn and warn against any continued deliberate defiance to a call for the reduction of prices of goods and services following the recent positive economic strides the nation has witnessed.

In a statement signed by the Minister of Information Moses Kunkuyu Kalongashawa, government said the positive economic trends are now in the public domain and mostly emanate from the harsh but necessary economic reforms effected by this administration last year. The unpopular economic reforms have however proved critics wrong as evident in the appreciation of the kwacha and easing of inflation among other economic gains registered so far. 

“In turn, these economic gains have resulted into a reduction of fuel pump prices; a feat that should have eventually translated into an immediate decrease in the prices of goods and services that largely depend on this variable such as transportation costs.

“It is however disheartening to observe that some companies continue robbing unsuspecting poor Malawians of their hard-earned money through charging exorbitant prices. This is despite a clear call by government through the Ministry of Trade and Industry early last month against the act,” says the statement.

It adds, “The government therefore calls on the private sector to ensure that the positive economic gains borne out of the appreciation of the kwacha trickle down to benefit the poor consumers too. It is purely uncalled for and against fair trade practices for companies to continue making huge profits at the expense of the poor consumer who should now at least afford their goods and services due to the gaining ground of the kwacha against the major currencies.

“However, government will unleash proper penalties on companies that deliberately choose to ignore and disrespect the call. In the same vein, Government through the Ministry of Trade and Industry and in collaboration with the Competitions and Fair Trade Commission will immediately start inspecting shops and companies to appreciate the prices and take decisive action where necessary.”

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