Tuesday 4 June 2013

Health sector underfunded in Malawi 2013-14 financial budget

The health sector has been underfunded in Malawi’s 2013-2014 national

budget, a development which has angered some health activists.

Speaking in Lilongwe where the Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) and

the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) held a joint

budget review with the health committee of the National Assembly.

MHEN Executive Director Martha Kwataine said this year’s total

expenditure of K638.2 billion of which K42 billion is for health is

just a mockery to the people’s life.

According to the National Budget statement by the Speaker of

Parliament Dr Ken Lipenga,

adding allocation for department of nutrition, HIV and AIDS and

National AIDS Commission (NAC) of K23.7 billion, it adds up to K61.1

billion representing the 10 percent of the total budget.

“Out of this, only K24.9 billion representing 8.4 percent of the

recurrent expenditure has gone to district councils with water being

allocated K50 million,” she said.

NCST’s Malesly Chisi Livuza said the financial statement does not show

any amount for support to training institutions yet the Health Sector

Strategic Plan (HSSP) recognizes shortage in health care workers.

“Water remains underfunded despite playing crucial role in preventive

health and much in line with thrust of HSSP,” SAID Chisi Livuza.

Chairperson of the health committee Paul Chibingu asked his fellow

parliamentarians to put interest of poor Malawians first than


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