Thursday 8 February 2018

University of Bedfordshire Prof. louds Usi's PHD research with focus of investing on youth

University of Bedfordshire Professor of education Kate Jacques louded Michael Usi's PHD   research which was focussed on the development of Malawi by investing in the country’s youth.

Professor Jacques was speaking to a group of high profile academics, friends and politicians from Bedford in the United Kingdom who met on Sunday to celebrate the success of Usi's in achieving his PhD from the University.

Usi is works with Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) as Programs Director.
In a speech which Nyasa Times has seen, Jacques said Usi is committed to the view that the future lies in preparing the youth of Malawi to take the country forward.
"He wants a more strategic approach to development and wants to see young people educated to understand how they can help the country to develop. Michael has done this work in a different language, in a different country and in a very different culture. This is a remarkable achievement," he said.

The guests recognised the hard work and dedication required of a unique person who rose from a modest family in a Malawi village to study for one of the highest academic awards in an English University.

He added, "based on his PhD, it is evident that Michael Usi has understood the complexities surrounding the liberation of the oppressed. He has proposed unique strategies for dealing with corruption and for achieving both human capital and capabilities."  

Usi who is also known as Manganya in entertainment sector, is a Malawian movie actor, playwright, and musician

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