Thursday 8 February 2018


The Anti-Corruption has been vetting all applications regarding change of motor
vehicle ownership after the discovery of the plunder of public resources which came
to be known as cash gate at the end of 2013. This was done to curb concealment of
proceeds of crime through change of ownership.

After implementing this for the past four years, the Bureau is of the view that the
exercise has served its purpose. 

Investigations and prosecutions of most of the cashgate cases have been concluded. 

Most of the remaining prosecution work is at various stages in the judicial system. In addition to this, there has been an outcry from members of the public that the vetting process is negatively affecting them in different ways. 

This complaint has largely been blamed on the flow of correspondence between the Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services and the Bureau. 

There have also been rumours that some unscrupulous individuals were hiding behind this to swindle members of the public of their money. 

In view of the above, the Bureau has made a decision to discontinue the vetting
process. The Directorate is from now onwards expected to proceed to deal with the
applications without referring them to the Bureau. However, the Bureau might
resuscitate the vetting should a need arise in future. 

The Bureau is therefore informing members of the public and all stakeholders about
the discontinuance of the vetting process. 

We call upon all Malawians to desist from corruption in the change of motor vehicles ownership processes and report any suspected corrupt practices to the Bureau

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