Tuesday 18 March 2014

Chimunthu Banda's book to be launched Wednesday

The outgoing Malawi National Assembly Speaker Henry Chimunthu Banda will  launch his book on Wednesday at the Bingu International Conference Center (BICC).

Briefing the press in Lilongwe, Chimunthu Banda said the book aims at
letting the general public to understand reforms, practices and
procedures of the National Assembly.

Titled, 'Malawi Parliament: Origins, reforms and practices' the book its
 the first of its kind to bring parliament closer to the people although
 in 1974, a booklet on the assembly's procedures was published.

"This book is for everyone, sitting Members of Parliament (MPs), those
aspiring, those who want to deepen their insights on what happens in the
August house.

"Journalists will also have a book to turn to in order to get some
parliamentary procedures and understanding some terms used on the
floor," he said.

He said with a living experience of 15 years in the house by the author,
 compiled in it are the footnotes for the leader to be conversant with
parliamentary jargons.

He said so far, 1000 copies have already been printed and the cover
price will be let out of the bag on the day of the launch.

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