Friday 24 January 2014

Kombucha health Juice distribution reaches Northern and Southern regions

Kambucha Health Juice, a product of has now expanded its market base, reaching as far as the

 Speaking in Lilongwe, Marketing Manager Peter Ndalama said this follows the juice’s high demand in the regions.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

UIP censors JB aid over remarks on hunger related deaths

United Independence Party (UIP) president Hellen Sighn has registered her concerns over remarks made by President Dr Joyce Banda's aide Wakuda  Kamanga on reports that people are dying of hunger.

Kamanga was reported on Galaxy FM that people should not be amused with the deaths report as it was reported in the Bible that every man has the time of death.

Airtel Malawi boost music awards with K5m sponsorship

Airtel Malawi has boosted the Music Association of Malawi (MAM) awards with a sponsorship of K5 million.

Speaking during the cheque handover ceremony at the company's office in Lilongwe, Airtel Marketing Manager Tanmoiy Saha said the sponsorship shows the company's commitment towards the development of music talent in Malawi.

Malawi opposition leaders treason case adjourned

High Court Judge Esme Chombo has adjourned the treason case involving Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) president Peter Mutharika and six other officials.

Chakwela says god-like-leaders root cause of Malawi poverty

The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr Lazarus Chakwela said the root cause to the country's poverty is the tendency leaders who look upon themselves and gods.

He made the remarks on Sunday at Nathenje, Lilongwe when the party officials went to welcome him from a week long southern region campaign trail.

Monday 20 January 2014


July 4, 2012 at 7:54am
The time I will not forget
When we cradled together
Like toddlers playing with mwantche
Along Mtoso river
As mpoloni shrubs
Like censers, breath out their smells
And the wind caressing our bodies
Drifting them way
With the flow of admiration

Kaliati says hands off Mutharika, JB affects women politicians

Kaliati says she has affected women politicians
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Director of Women Patricia Kaliati has called on Malawians to leave the party president Peter Mutharika alone.

She was commenting on stories that Mutharika has been going out of the country for almost three weeks seeking medical treatment.

Mutharika speaks on illness and allegiance to US, says ready to offer advice to government

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) president Professor Peter Muthalika on Sunday took time to speak on speculations going around, among them rumors of his illness, possible alliance and his will to advice the government on various problems.

Addressing the press in Lilongwe, Mutharika said as far as he is concerned, he is a health person.

International nurses body pens health minister on upgrading program

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) through its Chief Executive Officer David Benton has written a letter to Malawi Minister of Health Catherine Gotani Hara registering its disappointment on the obstructions their counter parts are meeting with on the intended upgrading program of nurse-midwife technicians (NMTs) to Registered Nurse diploma.

Thursday 16 January 2014

British envoy says too early to determine whether Malawi is doing great on Cash Gate

British envoy to Malawi Michael Nevin said it’s too early to determine whether the country is making strides on the Cash Gate issue.

Speaking in an interview with Nyasa Times in Lilongwe, Nevin acknowledged the efforts government has put so far to make sure that those involved on the issue are brought to book.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Black water

You think I am crying? 
Debased and defeated? 
Or you look upon me a shrink? 
Maybe I will just vanish into the thin air? 
No, I will not cower 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Lulu arrested, victim withdraw case

Lilongwe based urban musician Lulu was on Thursday night arrested Kawale Township drinking after he injured a friend over a prostitute.

According to eye witnesses, Lulu came at a joint with two girls, after sometime, another imbiber who is a Brundian started making advances to one girl who accompanied the musician.

Apparently, annoyed with the development, the musician exchanged some bitter words before they exchanged blows.

Nurses give govt 48 hrs on upgrading program or face a country wide strike

Nurses in the country through the National Organization of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) have given the government 48 hours to act on the cancelled upgrading program for whereby Nurse and Midwife technicians (NMTs) are to be upgraded to Registered Nurses and Midwives (RNM) at diploma level.

Monday 13 January 2014

Landing on the moon

Endlessly, I rejoice when I look back
The path that had led me here
The passion that kept me near
The wishes of a swollen heart so clear
Hard and bumpy not with hatred of a bear
Nor abhorrence of sneer
And not even detestation
But wants of love and perfection

Climate diplomacy can build the trust needed to secure our common future

For the past decade Pa Ousman Jarju, Special Climate Envoy for The Gambia and former chair of the Least Developed Countries group at the UN climate change negotiations travelled to meeting after meeting of the UN climate change talks as a national negotiator for The Gambia, as chair of the Least Developed Countries group, and now as Gambia’s Special Climate Envoy, He now writes his experience.

This journey has taught me that diplomacy is the key that can unlock the treasure chest of ambition we need to tackle climate change. 

Sunday 12 January 2014

MHRC report on allegations of prisoners dying because of hunger at Maula Prison in Lilongwe

The Malawi Human Rights Commission, “the Commission” learnt from a radio broadcast on Zodiak Broadcasting Station that alleged that four  prisoners had died at Maula Prison in Lilongwe because of food shortage at the facility.

The Commission sent its investigators immediately to verify the allegations with reference to its constitutional mandate of protecting human rights and investigating human rights violations.

Katsonga calls on Reserve Bank Governor resignation

Chipani Cha Pfuko (CCP) President Davies Katsonga has called on Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Charles Chuka to resign following the massive looting of money at Capital Hill.

In an interview with Studio13 Magazine's
Ecram Mpita, Katsonga said as a custodian of government money and that it got stolen under his nose, is a valid reason for him to stand aside.

MHRC report confirms hunger at Maula Prison, no death reported

The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) Brief Investigations Report on allegations of prisoners dying because of hunger at Maula Prison in Lilongwe has found that although the inmates spent three days without  food, there were no deaths of emanating from the alleged shortage of  food.

The only reported death, according to the report,  was that of a
prisoner a sixty year old Buziel Kapalamula who was said to have been

A prostitute

The thing was too small
Too thin a last finger's size
She knew it was a token
An easy ride
And she was determined
After seeing a lot
With different sizes
Different body builds
Muscles too

Friday 10 January 2014

A flower in my garden

So pure and clean
Pretty and shining
Beaming into my eyes
Glows so slowly, lovely and catchy
Lighting my life so right
As it frees my mind
It settles centrally on my heart
Soothing me anytime any weather
Faith is here

Warning over race to reshape African cities as “urban fantasies”

Plans to reshape cities across Africa in the style of Dubai and Singapore threaten to deepen social inequalities and could prove costly to both investors and city authorities, according to a paper in the April 2014 edition of Environment and Urbanization.  
The paper, by Professor Vanessa Watson of the University of Cape Town, reviews plans to renew, extend or replace cities in Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Watson notes that the planned modernist skyscrapers and landscaped freeways have been dreamt up not in Africa but in the offices of international architects and engineers. They appear to ignore the fact that the majority of people in African cities have low-incomes, live in informal housing and lack land rights. They also do nothing to address the large deficits in provision for basic services.

DPP maize and medical donation to Maula Prison blocked

Party (DPP) maize and medical donation worth K1 million to Maula

According to DPP president Peter Mutharika's Personal Assistant Ben
Phiri, who led the delegation to the prison, the official cited the
use of party vehicles and availability of some top party official.

 "Following the media reports which indicated that there is acute food
shortage at the prison, our president saw it fit to share some food
and medication to prisoners but we were saddened to hear that we
cannot donate the food.

Ma Blacks cherish 2013, bemoans lack of music distributors

The country's top Reggae outfit the Black Missionaries have said 2013
was a success although lack of music distributors was a major problems.

Speaking in an interview with Nyasa Times, the Band Leader Angiru
Fumulani cited positive reception from the fans and the international
exposure as some of the successes.

Pro-government NGO funded by Malawi State House

Forum for National Development (FND) is being linked with the State
House as sponsors.

According to information from top government officials, FND Chairperson
Bright Kampaundi and member Annold Mnelemba met President Joyce Banda at
 Sanjika Palace on Sunday where they pocketed K7 million.