Thursday 11 July 2013

22 PP members join DPP

Over 22 Peoples Party (PP) officials and members from the Central Region have defected to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Some of the top officials include Frazer Chulu who was Central Province Secretary, Regional Treasure Lloyd Issa and Alex Sakala who was a member in the party’s main Board.

The members were officially received at DPP’s central region headquarters at a function which was presided over by the party’s president Peter Arthur Mutharika.

The party’s Secretary General Dr Jean Kalirani said there are a lot of people from the ruling party who are going to join DPP.

“These are just a few people amongst the many who are calling us everyday expressing their wish to join DPP,” she said.

Kalirani said this shows that people have now realized that it is only DPP which has sound developmental ideologies.

“People have seen what the party has in offer, they have tested the current leadership and have seen that it is nothing, a lot of people want development and its only through DPP that this country can move forward,” she said.

In his remarks, Mutharika said this is a sign that DPP has got support in all the regions.

“This is the only stable and powerful party in the country which has the welfare of the people at heart,” he said.

He was also optimistic that the party has enough support to win the forth comming

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