Tuesday 15 March 2011

Homosexuals should be beheaded- Malawi religious leaders

Malawi religious leaders have stood firm against homosexuals saying the relationships are evil and punishable by beheading.

The leaders were speaking on the sidelines of an Annual General meeting of the Malawi Interfaith AIDS Association (MIAA) in Lilongwe on Tuesday which is aimed at sharing experiences, success stories and best practices in HIV and AIDS in order to improve the response of the faith community towards the pandemic.

Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) Secretary General Sheikh Imran Sharif Mohamed said there is no way they can cooperate gays and lesbians in the community as it is against their doctrine.

“Homosexuality is sin and is punishable by beheading. The Holy Koran clearly states that any community which indulges in these acts is calling for calamities like those that happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

“Nobody can change our laws which are both in the Koran, as a primary source and Hadith as our secondary source. These people are enemies and there is no way we can condone them in our communities,” said Mohamed

His counterpart, Catholic Bishops in Malawi Secretary General Father George Buleya said there is no way they can even try to accommodate homosexuals in their daily activities as marriage orders were clearly written from Genesis 1 of the holly bible.

“I believe that there are no homosexuals who are born as such in Malawi but if at all there are some who claim to be, they are moved to do so because of poverty. By the way, why are you forcing us to accommodate homosexuals when there are many thieves, adulterers and a lot of people who do evil?

“Christianity does not work o sociology but morality. To us, we can not punish those caught in the act but God will,” he said

Questioned that this might as well retard their fight against the pandemic because they will not be able to reach out to the minority groups, Buleya said, “Our effort is to reach out to the faithful and if they are not within our jurisdiction, then, we will not work with them.”

But commenting on the remarks, a Lilongwe based gay who opted for anonymity said it is very unfortunate that those who are supposed to give them spiritual guidance are on the forefront to reject them.

“If we are sinners, the why do they sideline us? I think Jesus came for the sinners so does that mean the mission ended on the cross? After all this is our sexual orientation and we were supposed to be part of the church as we believe I the same God,” he said.

Recently, Gearoge Thindwa of Secular Humanism movement in Malawi said there is a need to legalize homosexuality as failing to do so is calling for unnecessary international spotlight.

He said democracy recognize tolerance where people should also accept the status and dignity of others.

1 comment:

  1. let us let them practice what they want on one condition "We need a child by one year out of each gay couple" failing which kaya!!!!
