Sunday 23 February 2014

Chiefs, politicians fight over JB relief maize to Nkhatabay

There are disagreements as to who is supposed to distribute the relief maize which President Joyce Banda dished over the weekend in Nkhatabay.

According to some sources who confided to Nyasa Times, Chief feel that they are the ones who are supposed to distribute the maize which is currently under the custody of Peoples Party (PP) parliamentary hopefuls  in the forth coming elections.

President Banda dished out 2000 50 kilogrammes bags of relief maize meant vulnerable families in the district at a rally she addressed over the weekend at Kachere Primary School ground in Nkhatabay South Constituency.

The maize is part of the 13 500 tone donation to the people of Malawi
from the government of United Arab Emirates through the Khalifa Bin
Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation which is expected to benefit 7500 hunger
stricken famillies.

According to some of the chiefs, Nkhatabay Central PP candidate Ralph
Mhone is keeping 1000 bags he is about to distribute, to the centrally
of the traditional leaders wish.

Among some of the issues raised by the chiefs, they fear that the maize
will end up in the hands of the party supporters and not the intended

"Our understanding is that this is government maize meant to be
distributed to those who have nothing to eat. As per tradition, it is
our week to identify the beneficiaries and not politicians because the
donation will end up being abused," said one chief.

According to the chief, there had already a fracas which led to two
people knifing each other from Salawe Village under TA Mkumbira.

Banda also distribute 15 cows to 15 people.

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