Tuesday 20 July 2010

She is called Nasuluma

Dear Uncle Tentiliano,

I have no doubt that you have been waiting for so long to hear from me for the past three months. I had to sit down and plan my course of action. You know Uncle; I had to blow hot and cold. Being a man who has never gone on such task, I needed to take shape. I know that you are having a belly laugh thinking that I am chaff but I feel you know how much it takes to complete that labour.  

Uncle, to find someone to be called a lover is not an easy task. It needs patience and perseverance. That is the main reason why it took me so long living a lonely life.  I had first to know which direction the wind is going and gird myself for the next move.

You might wonder what made me to be very somewhat flexible this time around and easily fall into your trap, the reason is that your fears have coincided with my plans, I have also been thinking that it is time to have my own apple of my eyes.

“My son, with your job, I don’t think it will do any good for you to stay as you are without attached. Your professional is very challenging; many women do their utmost best to attract men like you. My son, I am giving you three months to find someone to complete the fullness of your body”

That was exactly what you said on that mellow evening as the moon looked over the high walls of the kitchen, my eyes fixed on the bottle of Kachasu we were drinking, trying to get everything you said. I thank Chiuta for giving us you-a man with the gift of the gab.

Uncle, I did not only swallow what you said but i also digested it and thought on the very constructive advice wherever I have been. I spent three sleepless nights trying to find a solution to your fears.

At first, my heart told me that I had guts to protect me from any advancements made by these beauty who always spend their time sitting close to the radio not to be early news catchers, but to know who is on air, what time he will be free to invite him for a date.

“Write an article son, everywhere you go you will be attracting finger-pointing, women of different ages and class will be on you like ngumbi, it doesn’t matter that you are poor but all they want is to be with somebody of your profession and I don’t want you to fall into their trap and die soon. You need to build yourself a fence,” you concluded and then our discussion and then took the last sip of Kachasu that was left in the Toti.

 I knew that it was indeed a serious issue because on this particular day there were no usual home-based stories like what I did on my day of release from the Nyau clan. During normal days, you could remind me that the very first day I was released from Kudambwe, I stealed meat while on fire.

Happy was I that on this night as we listened to songs by owls, you never crossed the line, I mean your usual suggestions whenever Kachasu takes control of you. You are one of those who promote marriages based on tribes and ethnic groups especially between cousins as you claim that it is one way of preserving our clan.

That being said, I want to tell you the main reason for writing you this letter. To find a girl as cute as button and of good reputation is a dream of the century in this time of ours Uncle. I have said this just to give a picture of how I have troubled to cross the many rivers before meeting this most treasured partner. She is called Nasuluma.

Malume, there are a hundred faults in this search-of-wife game and a hundred things might be said to prove someone’s’ beauty and good self esteem. The admiration I have for Nasuluma comes from deep down my heart. She is not like those girls who have cupboard love. The way she preserve her dignity is something that captured my heart before I realized her outside beauty.

Those who said that what eyes see the heart should feel did not lie. The very first time  I set my eyes on her rare body covered with natural beauty set off by her appetizing appearance, my heart nearly burst. It was indeed love at first site and I realized that it is in the shelter of her eyes where my true and emotional love dwells.

Nasuluma is a plant of joy and desires, a flower wet up with the morning dew and colorful with fancies. It was through her delightful, provocative smile, impassionate lines of love phrases that were visible in her twinkling eyes that spun my mind, I knew that of my loneliness were numbered. She is truly a loneliness quencher of my soul.

Tell me my good Uncle, who can resist such passion-winged exquisite love. Put yourself in my shoes, would you ignore such a girl- whose words are a balm, whose looks are fairly black and whose breasts are that fair hills I could climb on and feel on top the World. She is a shining moon which the very many stars cannot outshine.

Please understand me Uncle, I am just trying to put my feelings on this piece of paper just to make sure that you should at least be in position to have a picture of how my heart has been captivated and motivated to be in love with Nasuluma who has help me growing wings to fly at my own desire.

By the way, this is what I wanted to tell you. Nasuluma is not someone from our tribe. She is from a distant region very far from here. She is not of our class as you have been telling us that we must marry someone from our tribe.

 Yeah!, believe me, we may differ in tribe but when it comes to love we are all equal before the beats of the heart. Love is something that even our fore-fathers knew that makes the life of every person a happy one even if one is rich or poor; if someone is denied love then it means being denied a life time wealth.

All I want to ask from you is to give her respect she deserves, quality time and royalty as one of our family, I don’t think that there will be turning back this time around, I and Nasuluma will forever going to live as wife and husband. 

Next week I will be on holiday so I and my wife-to-be we are coming there. I would be happy if you prepare sweet thobwa for us. This might also be a chance for you to meet your in-law and probably know each other.

Lastly pass my warm greetings to all people over there. Tell them that I really thank them for their request that I should stand as a Member of Parliament in 2014.  You know Uncle that I can manage to pull a big crowd.

Thank you my dear Uncle.

Your Mbumba,

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