Friday 6 July 2018

Farmers Association into value adding for local and international market

Recentry, Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism Henry Mussa said that industrialisation plays a significant role in the development of any country; hence, industrialisation development and diversification is key to ensuring that African countries, including Malawi trade among themselves and benefit from free trade agreements.

Trade Minister drums up buy Malawian campaign during independence celebrations

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative Maria Jose Torres and Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism Henry Mussa have joined hands to drum up for Buy Malawian campaign during the country's independence celebrations.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

FDH launches Ufulu Digital Account in style

FDH workers interacting with the audience 
during the launch
The fastest growing commercial back in Malawi, FDH Bank launched Ufulu Digital Account during Tay Grin's show at Chichiri Upper Stadium, in Blantyre.

CMST Reforms for a better and health nation

Established by the government of Malawi in November 2010,  the Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) replaced the old Central Medicals Stores (CMS) for better service to the nation.

The creation of the Trust, according to its Communications Officer Herbert Chandilanga, was amid serious operational, financial, and governance challenges which had led to equally serious and vastly publicized shortages of medicines and medical supplies, leading to, at its highest, a 95 percent stock-out by early 2013.

US varsities’ students and professors visit AHL Group

A group of students and professors from various universities in the United States of America on Thursday, June 21, 2018 visited AHL Groups head office in Lilongwe to appreciate the company’s operations, including the tobacco marketing system which it runs for the country.

FDH Bank donates computers and printers to Chichiri Prisonm

FDH Bank donated four computers and two printers worth K4.3million.  to Chichiri Prison to facilitate exams at the prison.

FDH Bank Head of Marketing Levie Nkunika said they decided to make the donation because it was found that some prisoners have been conducting studies but have had challenges during exams because the prison had limited equipment