Friday 3 April 2015

Chubuku Products feeds Mangochi flood victims

Chibuku Products Limited (CPL), one of the country’s leading brewer of
opaque beer and Mahewu super shake on Wednesday donated over 350
cartons of Mahewu super shake to Mangochi District to help people
affected by floods in the district, according to Ayamba Kandodo.

Speaking when making the donation, the company’s Corporate Affairs
Manager, Wise Chauluka said they made the donation after seeing the
plight of flood victims in the district.

Mangochi chiefs declare war against child marriages

Traditional Authorities (T/As) Mponda and Nankumba in Mangochi
together with their Group Village Headmen (GVHs) have said they will
remain united in the fight against child marriages to ensure that the
girl child is educated.

Ayamba Kandodo reports that the chiefs made the pledge on Wednesday in Mangochi after a two-day long training workshop organized by the Centre for Human Rights and
Rehabilitation (CHRR) where they discussed the effects of child

Court rules against confiscating Soko's Wymbaso Company

Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa has throughout state's application to enable it sell cashgate convict's Wyson Soko's Wymbaso Genera Suppliers.

The state hired prosecutor Kamdoni Nyasulu applied to the court to confiscate the company to recover K40 million which Soko was convicted for.