Tuesday 24 March 2015

State withdraws the confiscation application of Sithole's property

The state on Monday applied to withdraw part of the convicted Victor
Sithole's property.

Prosecutor Kamdoni Nyasulu told Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate
Patrick Chirwa that Sithole's Whispers Bar and Area 25 house because
they are not part of the tantaid property.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

State wants Mphwiyo shooting suspects bail be revoked

The State through Director of Public Prosecution Mary Kachale on
Wednesday applied to court to revoke bail for lawyer Ralph
Kasambara, Pika Manondo, Dauka Manondo and others answering to
attempted murder charges on former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo.

The application was made through affidavits sworn by state prosecutor
Ecock Chihana and Senior Supritentant Kampara Chilinda who were asked
to meet two state witnesses who alleged there was a mafia clandestine
activities paint down to inflict interference and intimidation on
state witnesses.

Friday 13 March 2015


The misunderstanding that has arisen between communities from Traditional
Authority (T/A) Mponda in Mangochi and the District’s Town Council
over the council’s alleged mismanagement of funds meant for the
construction of a classroom block and toilets at Mpondasi Primary
School in the area has compelled  Catholic Commission for Justice and
Peace (CCJP) to  intervene, Ayamba Kandodo reports.