Thursday 14 August 2014

Malawi ready to prevent and contain Ebola spread

The Ministry of Health has said a number of strategies have been put in place to prevent its occurrence and also contain its spread should it be reported in Malawi following the reported Ebola Virus Outbreak in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

In a statement signed by Secretary for Health Chris Kang’ombe, the ministry said it has a robust Integrated Diseases Surveillance and Response programme that provides on strategies to manage outbreaks such as Ebola and other notifiable diseases.

TNM pumps K4m towards Operation Smile surgeries

Premier mobile service provider Telecom Networks Malawi (TNM) Sunday
donated K4 million to Operation Smile, a South African based team of
surgeons who are in the country to undertake free screening and
surgeries at Kamuzu Central Hospital.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Govt yet to assist 15 Kasungu homeless families

Government is yet to assist 15 homeless Kasungu families whose
houseswere set on fire due to land disagreements.

According to witnesses, about 30 heavily armed police officers hiredby
Monica Makamu who claims for about 140 hectares of land set ablazethe
houses on July 12.

"We were each give 3 minutes to remove our belongings but they
couldstop us and handcuffed my husband before burning down the house,"
saidLucia Banda, a mother to four children.

Queens sponsors impressed with performance

Airtel Malawi, the sponsors of Malawi Netball Queens have said they
are impressed with the that's performance at the on going commonwealth

The company's country Director Andrew Santhe made the remarks in
Lilongwe at a press briefing he held with Netball Association of
Malawi president Rose Chinunda.