Wednesday 29 June 2011

Theater is a gold mine-Mama G

Mama G-Africa is in my heart
The visiting Nigerian movie actress Patience Ozokwor, popularly known in the acting industry as Mama G, said theater is a gold mine for countries which is yet to be exploited.

Speaking to the press in Lilongwe upon her arrival, Ozokwor said if the industry is well established and supported, it can employ a lot of idle youths and professional workers thereby uplifting the lives of many people in the society.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Malawi government to start new ART/PMTCT guidelines in July

The Ministry of Health will start implementing the new ART and
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) guidelines which
were recommended in 2010 by the World Health Organization (WHO) inresource limited countries, Deputy Director for HIV and AIDS in the
ministry Austin Nthambala has disclosed
Speaking to journalists in Lilongwe on Tuesday, Nthambala said the
recommendations were based on current research evidence and aim at increasing access to quality ART and PMTCT services.