Thursday 26 August 2010

Spreading HIV/AIDS message later than the virus-the endangered lives

“HIV is like fire, if you do not stroke a fire it will die out. However, fire would not die off it is continually given dry firewood,” founder and father of Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Since the advent of HIV/AIDS in Malawi in 1983, the virus continues to spread at a rocket pace with people of all sectors dancing to the tunes of the pandemic in one way or the other.

Friday 13 August 2010

Good riddance water tears, welcome wind smiles-Malawi electricity woes

Kamkwamba on his wind mill
It is 7.30 pm. I am home and writing an assignment on my computer which is due in the next two days.
This location is in the southern part of Lilongwe city, CCDC to be precise. The area is habituated by the people who are mostly civil servants. People who year-in and year-out tussle with the country’s leadership pleading for better wages.

Our house is a small one with only two bedrooms and without a kitchen. But it manages to accommodate the four of us; me, my father, a young brother and sister. We managed to divide the sitting room with a mat to make it a three bed-roomed house.